Advertising Tips



Posters provide a logical and cost-effective way of communicating to a particular target market. When placed correctly, attractive posters can lure nearby people into a specific event and alert them of an upcoming product or service. Posters have the ability to stick in viewers’ minds and can be a great tool for small- to medium-sized businesses to use to increase brand awareness. Posters are cheaper than common forms of advertising such as print, radio and television.

[/vc_column_text][vc_custom_heading text=”HERE ARE THE FOUR ADVANTAGES OF POSTERS:” font_container=”tag:h3|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][vc_column_text]

Low Costs

The creative process of a poster involves a copywriter, a graphic designer and a printer. You can hire a poster distributor or simply hang the posters yourself. It is a simple process that won’t cost an arm and a leg. However, you need to be mindful of local laws that may prevent posters from being displayed in certain areas.

Active Response

People who are viewing posters are already actively engaging in their surroundings. Whether they are standing at a bus stop or lining up at the local nightclub, people are likely to notice posters out of sheer boredom. A clever poster will have a call-to-action phrase that propels the viewer to take action as soon as possible. This could be in the form of making a phone call, visiting a shop or navigating to a website.


You can hang multiple posters in one location to increase brand visibility. It’s quite normal to see entire rows of the same poster lining the side of a street or subway. Bombarding people with imagery will ensure the message is going to sit in their heads long after they have viewed the poster.

Strategic Location

The biggest advantage of using posters is that they can be put just about anywhere and seen by almost anyone. Posters can be strategically located to target a particular market sector. For example, take-out restaurants might prefer to situate posters near busy bus stops or train terminals to target hungry commuters.
